Our Mission

To co-create a sustainable and happy world by developing and managing sustainable solutions and strategies smartly from beginning till completion.
2024 ... Enter the wooden dragon!
9 Jan 2024
As we conclude yet another transformative year, we want to express our sincere appreciation for your unwavering support and partnership. With immense satisfaction and enthusiasm, we share the highlights of our journey together in 2024.
Throughout this year, amidst global challenges and opportunities, we remained focused on our commitment to driving sustainable change and co-creating a world where environmental stewardship and social responsibility flourish. With your support, we set ambitious objectives to guide our efforts, and we are delighted to report significant progress on various fronts.
Among our most notable accomplishments in 2024 was the successful execution of several impactful projects. We continued our collaboration with the Government of Mauritius, advancing the Greening of the public sector action plan with tangible results beginning to emerge. Additionally, our assignment for AFD produced groundbreaking insights into the intersection of green finance and sustainable construction, laying the groundwork for innovative solutions and best practices in the field.
On the global stage, our contributions to the advancement of sustainable development were acknowledged and celebrated. After co-drafting the "Africa Manifesto for Sustainable Cities and the Built Environment", we have participated in formulating the “Global Policy Guidelines for a Sustainable Built Environment”. Furthermore, our work at U4SSC continues, focusing on the Metaverse.
We firm up our position as thought leaders not only in the field of sustainable development but also in the convergence of technology and sustainability. Our colleagues moderated and participated in several panels at key events such as Africa Tech, Africa Climate Week, and COP28.
At these events, we have made bridges between key organisations such as the African Union, World Bank IFC, UN SE4ALL with our Government. It gave rise to the potential projects. AFR100, Ecofridge, IFC MAGIC to name a few.
As members of the G17Eco Institute standards council, we continued to advocate for transparency and accountability in corporate sustainability practices. We are thrilled to see that our solution, SGX ESGenome has been embraced by its community. As it sets a new benchmark for ESG disclosure and reporting worldwide, we are doing a feasibility study for the Mauritius stock exchange - SEMSI....
Cheers to 2023!
13 Jan 2023
Ready for 2023?
We hope that you are getting to cruise speed for a fantastic year.
Have you set your OKRs (objectives and key results)? We have.
First and foremost, thank you for your support during our uncertain times.
Let us celebrate together some of the achievements of 2022. We thank our clients, collaborators and supporters for making these possible.
And I am grateful to our team, as we did work especially hard. It took us a full year to complete the Greening of the public sector action plan for the Government of Mauritius. We hope to see some of the results in 2023. In addition, we finished a critical study for the AFD to develop a framework to link green finance with sustainable construction. We got to explore the value of green building certifications, bio-sourced materials, alternative construction techniques and ...
Ecosis co-founds Positive - The regenerative business movement
25 Feb 2021
Ecosis joins the 100 pioneering changemaker businesses as founding member of the Postitive movement. It confirms Ecosis’ dedication about making positive change toward a sustainable future and empowering clients to overcome the obstacles and build on opportunities associated with sustainable growth.
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
25 Feb 2021
An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a standardised document informing about a product’s potential environmental and human health impact. The general goal is to use verified and accurate information to determine the overall effect of the product on the environment.
EPD is a document that is used in many countries to demonstrate performance of a product. It is regarded as a Type III environmental label. EPD are generated through conducting a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA); which is performed using a peer-reviewed Product Category Rule (PCR) document. This PCR is in line with EN 15804, ISO 14025 and other related international standards (Designing Buildings Ltd, 2021).
Many sustainable building certification schemes have now been developed around the world, and they almost all consider the environmental impact of construction materials, but in widely different ways. However, there are two main mechanisms by EPD themselves, and the LCA data for construction materials reported in EPD are considered within these schemes (Eco Platform, 2021).
Let us collaborate to make the World a better place
1 Jan 2024
The world is facing unprecedented challenges that require urgent and collective action from all sectors of society. Climate change, wars, poverty, inequality, pandemics, and cyberattacks are some of the global risks that threaten our future and demand our attention.
We cannot afford to be complacent or indifferent to these issues. We need to act now and act together to make the world a better place for ourselves and future generations. Corporates, governments, development institutions and NGOs have a vital role to play in addressing these challenges and finding sustainable solutions. You have the resources, the influence, and the responsibility to make a positive difference in the world.
You can leverage data, innovation, collaboration, and leadership to tackle the root causes and the consequences of these problems. They can also inspire and empower others to join them in this noble mission. The time to act is now. The world needs us. Contact us today so we can collaborate to co-create the World we want.
For any inquiries, fill out the form below or contact using any of the following:
Ecosis Ltd
Mauritius Office
11b, Capucines Avenue, Quatre Bornes
Fax: (230) 454 9784